Nurturing Innovation: The Birth of Ifugao State University's Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management Center

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, institutions of higher learning are constantly seeking novel ways to foster innovation, protect intellectual property rights, and provide a fertile ground for entrepreneurial ventures. Ifugao State University (IFSU) is no exception, and it has taken an ambitious leap forward with the establishment of its University Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management Center (IPTBMC).

Empowering Intellectual Property

In accordance with Article IV, Section 20 of RA 10055, also known as the Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009, IFSU has established a center with the primary mission of overseeing the support system for intellectual property that arises from research and development projects funded by the University and its partner agencies. It looks into the management, utilization, and commercialization of intellectual property in order to ensure that invested fund and efforts are translated into industrialization.

A significant accomplishment of this Center is the establishment of the IFSU Intellectual Property Policy and Technology Transfer Protocol. First and foremost, the policy institutes an institutional mechanism that duly recognizes research achievements and ensures the protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) resources. This recognition acts as a catalyst for further research, fueling the intellectual engines of the academic community.

Furthermore, the policy embodies the principle of equitable distribution, guaranteeing that the financial and other benefits that flow from intellectual property are fairly shared among contributors. This commitment to fairness serves as a motivational force for researchers and innovators, encouraging them to push the boundaries of their work.

Lastly, the protocol established by the policy provides a structured framework for addressing conflicts of interest among various stakeholders and markets. This ensures a harmonious environment where disputes can be resolved with clarity and consistency.

Strengthening Intellectual Capabilities

May be an image of 17 people and textSince its inception, the IPTBMC has been proactive in its mission to empower IFSU stakeholders in the field of intellectual property registration. Notably, in 2022, the center organized the highly impactful Patent Drafting seminar. This event acted as a catalyst, inspiring and motivating research inventors to actively pursue international protection for their innovative creations and research findings. In addition, another seminar conducted by the center equipped participants with essential skills to conduct a comprehensive review of patents and utility models. These sessions delved deeply into key intellectual property concepts such as novelty and inventiveness, enriching the understanding of stakeholders.

Key Functions of the Center

The University Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management Center performs an array of pivotal functions:

  1. Evaluation and Screening: The center meticulously evaluates and screens copyrightable works, patentable technologies, and commercializable technologies developed by the University, all of which are deserving of protection.
  2. Intellectual Property Protection: It takes on the responsibility of managing copyright deposits and filing and prosecuting the appropriate intellectual property applications. This also extends to the protection of plant varieties, emphasizing the diverse spectrum of intellectual property.
  3. Capacity Building: The center actively engages in activities such as workshops and symposia. These events aim to familiarize University personnel with the institution's commercialization guidelines, fostering a culture of intellectual property protection and utilization.

Nurturing Start-Up Innovation

The IPTBM is not just about intellectual property management. It also houses the Technology Business Incubation Center unit, which plays a critical role in nurturing innovation. This unit provides a dedicated facility where start-up businesses receive both support and essential business development services. The unit creates an ecosystem that actively promotes and supports innovation on its path to commercialization. Its mission is to assist technology-based start-ups by providing the resources, services, and facilities necessary during their developmental stage. Additionally, the office takes an active role in marketing and promoting products developed by the incubatees, further contributing to regional economic growth.

Cultivating Entrepreneurship

Beyond the establishment of the center, IFSU has made significant strides in fostering entrepreneurship. It organizes seminars on entrepreneurship, actively supports the IP 2.0 Caravan – The Futures of Intellectual Property, and provides assistance in crafting utility model registration documents. Furthermore, IFSU has ventured into the commercialization of products such as Medinilla Magnifica Wine and Medinilla Magnifica Vinegar. These initiatives not only further the institution's mission but also contribute significantly to regional development and economic growth.

The establishment of the University Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management Center stands as a testament to Ifugao State University's unwavering dedication to fostering innovation, protecting intellectual property, and nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit among its stakeholders. In this endeavor, IFSU has not only strengthened its own position but has also played a vital role in the development of the region and the nation as a whole.